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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> BLACK & WHITE > Huntsman spider
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Huntsman spider

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Dan the Man14-Nov-2010 02:50
Very well done my friend! V
Guest 17-Sep-2010 02:40
What a beast! Vµ
J. Scott Coile16-Feb-2010 17:16
Amazing detail!
shatterbug16-Feb-2010 05:02
Terrific macro!
laine15-Feb-2010 11:05
When Zoe was about 3 yr old she came running to tell us there was a spider in the was a handsized huntsman...I said to her " Oh that's just Harry " " Who ? " " Harry. He lives outside, but sometimes comes in out of the rain or cold " " Oh " she said, smiled & spoke " Hello Harry " She was never again frightened of a Huntsman & everyone she sees thinks is Harry :))

Superb detail, Sheila
Jackdad14-Feb-2010 23:51
Yikes! I hope he's not hungry.
coaster14-Feb-2010 20:24
Nicely done!
Colin Storey14-Feb-2010 19:36
Scary, but very detailed image.
Johnny JAG14-Feb-2010 19:34
Scary detail!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography14-Feb-2010 16:31
Excellent macro shot, Vote.
patou14-Feb-2010 15:34
Une prise magnifique ( v )
Máire Uí Mhaicín14-Feb-2010 14:07
Excellent composition. I love the fact that you caught him in the middle of his web-spinning.
Phillip Normanton14-Feb-2010 13:28
Where's little miss Muffet?? :o)
Char14-Feb-2010 12:41
This is a terrific detailed capture of this spider Sheila! \/
Yvonne14-Feb-2010 10:34
Harmless and almost a member of the family - superb capture!
Stephanie14-Feb-2010 10:23
Is this one poisonous too?
Great detail, but SOOOOOO scary looking! V
Nicki Thurgar14-Feb-2010 09:52
Aaargh! Don't keep doing this to me Sheila! ;o)
Patricia Kay14-Feb-2010 08:52
Amazing details Sheila...looks like a biggie...BV
lou_rozensteins14-Feb-2010 06:09
Details are great. Can't say I like spiders that much though. Well done.
pr_rajan14-Feb-2010 03:36
...wonderful light and great details!~V~