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Jan / 15 / 10 Meta

all that wood

OR : A fairy from the holy Mary
;-D ( by John)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dara Su22-Mar-2010 02:34
John06-Feb-2010 15:07
A fairy from the holy Mary. The untold story told. At last. I'm gonna knock on w...
Great and clever combining. Love it!! ~BV~
Jeff Real06-Feb-2010 14:36
A most intriguing composition ~V~
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography04-Feb-2010 20:51
Excellent, Vote.
Martha Albuquerque04-Feb-2010 18:12
All that wood and you :) V~
Meta04-Feb-2010 13:55
Thank you all, and An, I'm actually in nice mood :)-foto delusion, I guess.
an nguyen04-Feb-2010 13:34
Beautiful concept and love the way the wood covered .
Also a touch of blue mood.
You are very good , indeed and I adore the POV.
Patricia Kay04-Feb-2010 12:46
Just fabulous Meta...BV
Johan Claeson04-Feb-2010 06:04
Cool triptych! I'm not really sure how to interpret the title, but I like it
Zeev Parush04-Feb-2010 05:34
Great work - Love the concept.
Guest 04-Feb-2010 00:29
Smart and clever. Beautiful.
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