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Roby | all galleries >> Landscapes >> My Countryside in Winter > 6280
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23-JAN-2010 Roberto Capaccioli


Canon EOS 5D ,EF 24-70 F/2,8 L
1/40s f/16.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Peter Sussex28-Feb-2010 22:10
Tranquil view, the last rays of sun draw the snow with wonderful shadows.
Blandine Mangin23-Jan-2010 21:35
un temps parfait pour une promenade hivernale...v
Stephanie23-Jan-2010 21:11
You still have snow and ice? Wow! You have more winter than we do!
Love this sunny image Roby! Very, very nice! V