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Happy Birthday Ben

Benjamin Franklin (Born in Boston January 17, 1706 – Died in Philadelphia April 17, 1790) was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America.
A noted polymath, Franklin was a leading author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, soldier, and diplomat.
As a scientist, he was a major figure in the Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity.
He invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the Franklin stove, a carriage odometer, the flexible urinary catheter, and the glass 'armonica'.
In 1733, Franklin began to publish the famous Poor Richard's Almanack (with content both original and borrowed) under the pseudonym Richard Saunders, on which much of his popular reputation is based.
Ben formed both the first public lending library in America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania.
He played a major role in establishing the University of Pennsylvania.
In 1751, the indefatigable Franklin raised money to help found Pennsylvania Hospital, America's first hospital, in conjunction with Dr. Thomas Bond.
He was an early proponent of colonial unity, and as a political writer and activist, he supported the idea of an American nation.
As a diplomat during the American Revolution, he secured the French alliance that helped to make independence of the United States possible.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

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meekam tam27-Jan-2010 12:05
Very impressive image with a bit of concise American history, Stephanie! V
Jeff Lobaugh20-Jan-2010 05:07
Fun picture here!!!
Gary Blanchette19-Jan-2010 16:52
Hahaha! This shot has just made my day! I love it!
Sheila19-Jan-2010 08:24
Fantastic composition and shot!
Cindi Smith19-Jan-2010 00:45
Amen for Ben! Yep, we are giving up our liberties left and right. We are far from what our founding fathers wanted this country to be. Love the shot of you two! Great smile!!!
Doug Cruden18-Jan-2010 20:18
Great pic Stephanie! Careful now, he might get his birthday wish! :o))
Guest 18-Jan-2010 13:39
Great idea Stephanie, well done!!!! I Love it!
Carl and Racine Erland18-Jan-2010 07:21
Wonderful shot, Stephanie...with a little sp included? There is much to thank BF for, however right now the quote at the end of you information seems the most prophetic. - Racine
Mary Terry18-Jan-2010 05:32
Great shot! Is this you posing with Ben?
Mieke WA Minkjan18-Jan-2010 05:19
a great fun shot
Walter Otto Koenig18-Jan-2010 02:53
LOL, what a fun shot. I take it that's you wishing Ben a Happy Birthday!
Barbara Heide17-Jan-2010 23:00
what a fun shot!
Stewart Mitchell17-Jan-2010 22:18
HeHe, what a fun shot...I'd watch out though, Ben's "minder" looks a bit agitated!!!!
LynnH17-Jan-2010 21:53
LOL at Phillip. Very, very well done! You have positioned yourself perfectly!
Ed McConnell17-Jan-2010 21:43
nicely done Stephanie..Ben looks good for his age..
carabias17-Jan-2010 21:33
Happy Birthday Benjamin! Magistral. BV
carol j. phipps17-Jan-2010 21:23
Wonderful! Is this a self-portrait; you've positioned yourself well to be an integral part of the sculpture.
Phillip Normanton17-Jan-2010 21:12
Careful now, you don't want to get him all excited - he's not as young as he once was you know :O)
Bernard Davis17-Jan-2010 21:05
Made a real fun shot out of this. Excellent.
bill friedlander17-Jan-2010 20:42
A lovely patina on old Ben, and a lovely smile from Stephanie (?).
Carol Rollins17-Jan-2010 20:37
Wonderfully done Stephanie!! ~
Colin Storey17-Jan-2010 18:37
Wonderful mono image. v
Pixel Shooter17-Jan-2010 18:35
Great titile, great fun shot1 :)
patou17-Jan-2010 17:31
Et bon anniversaire !
Fay Stout17-Jan-2010 17:28
He!He!He! See you found yourself a new boyfriend!
François Fauchard17-Jan-2010 16:49
What a great man he was ! A nice shot of you, Stephanie, with Benjamin !
Ronald Bijtenhoorn17-Jan-2010 16:44
Nice capture; is that you together with Ben?
Roby17-Jan-2010 16:31
lovely picture Steph :-) V
Heidi Jonker17-Jan-2010 15:45
Very cheerfull!
Guest 17-Jan-2010 15:17
Wonderful caputre, Stephanie. Happy Brithday Ben.
Guest 17-Jan-2010 14:52
Nice image. v
Aud Elise Sjøsæther17-Jan-2010 14:50
Lovely picture! And thanks for the interesting history : ) Is that you Stephanie..? V
Guest 17-Jan-2010 14:05
An absolutely wonderful image Stephanie.. and a nice bit of history to go with it! Very well done! V
Guest 17-Jan-2010 13:26
.... as for the photo, I'm sure that lovely girl was added to make a better picture(just like those car adds). See the tones, not exactly the same as all the rest of the picture. :)
Guest 17-Jan-2010 13:24
I like the last phrase, to me it means, that you are better off with friends than with ennemies, so why not try to be friends with everyone, and then your security is much better.
J. Scott Coile17-Jan-2010 13:22
Lucky guy!
Timothy Guenther17-Jan-2010 12:50
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Ben Franklin
My favorite quote and with thoughts like that you know he had to have been a pretty cool dude.
Pete Hemington17-Jan-2010 11:21
Nice one Stephanie - I like the history lesson - is he the one on the $100 bill?
I learnt that from Slum Dog millionaire the film
Available Light Images17-Jan-2010 10:56
What a madly incongruous image!!! The smile is soooo cheesy :-)
marita toftgard17-Jan-2010 10:52
excellent shot
and I love the title;))
Yvonne17-Jan-2010 10:49
Beautiful tones, I really like the spontaneity of this shot Stephanie
Guest 17-Jan-2010 10:39
:-) Congratulations with Ben! :-)
A very good image !
Blandine Mangin17-Jan-2010 10:34
very nice ! v
Kathryn17-Jan-2010 10:31
What a fun shot for his birthday, well done Stephanie.
Esa Ervasti17-Jan-2010 10:24
I already recognize his fingers from your previous picture of this great statesman ;)
Cheerfull shot!
pascal17-Jan-2010 09:23
Great !
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