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Nick Arena | all galleries >> Galleries >> I See It My Way >
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Guenter Eh20-Jan-2010 07:16
Beautiful complexity and depth in your work Nick!
zyziza16-Jan-2010 10:54
Superb! v
Steve Morris13-Jan-2010 15:07
Like the depth and framing in this shot!!BV
Raymond Ma13-Jan-2010 06:45
Great use of the window frame. What a great spot for photography which you have obviously
taken great advantage of. V
Kim12-Jan-2010 22:07
Great composition, love all the angles, lines and textures. Excellent handling and presentation! BV
Jim Coffman11-Jan-2010 21:52
I really like this one,Nick! This old factory has really offered so wonderful photo ops! V
John11-Jan-2010 20:00
Superb. I love this series. Truly crafts work. ~BV~
settler11-Jan-2010 18:25
Reeking of industry long gone..V!
Guest 11-Jan-2010 10:19
super work again.
Guest 11-Jan-2010 09:47
Great framing !
Paco López11-Jan-2010 09:25
Great!!!! BV!
Alain Boussac11-Jan-2010 09:12
Remarkable. V.
12311-Jan-2010 06:44
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