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David Bannister | all galleries >> Galleries >> blue > Waiting for Wind
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Waiting for Wind

Three sailboats from Grand Bend Yacht Club wait for a breeze to pick up (it did) for Sunday morning racing.

The lake can become so flat (I have a sometime-crew member who now has his boat in the Mediterranean, and notes that there is a constant swell there).

There's another character to the lake that is much more threatening! Lake Huron can quickly become violent enough to sink ocean-going freighters... and has done so many times over the last century; the worst in 1913, when a hurricane destroyed 19 ships and stranded 19 others. (For more details, Google Great Storm of 1913).

I personally love the many moods of our Lake Huron, which I have explored from many angles and weather conditions!

Sony Alpha DSLR A-900
1/2500s f/9.0 at 135.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Michael Tauber05-Apr-2010 13:12
Wonderful image!!!
Jean Chiasson04-Jan-2010 22:38
Wow great image lovely scene David vote
Guest 03-Jan-2010 14:35
Beautiful image!!!! So peaceful and calm! Lovely blue color!!
bill friedlander01-Jan-2010 17:49
A lovely scene with good detail and lighting. A delightful way to spend a Sunday morning. V
globalgadabout01-Jan-2010 15:59
becalmed perhaps, yet poised for adventure...lovely scene...V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther01-Jan-2010 09:44
Wonderful mood! Love the reflections. V
January Grey01-Jan-2010 07:31
A beautiful place to wait for the wind! Awesome shot, David. Excellent exposure & composition. V~ Happy New Year!
Simon Chandler01-Jan-2010 02:50
Beautiful composition and lighting. A relaxing image. v

Happy New Year!
Nick Arena01-Jan-2010 02:12
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