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Bea. | all galleries >> Galleries >> Local Bird Life > Sacred Kingfisher
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04-DEC-2009 Bea

Sacred Kingfisher


other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 06-Dec-2009 22:41
Great catch Bea! It seems strange seeing a Kingfisher so high in a tree
Roger Bailey04-Dec-2009 14:57
Caught preening, this what the 70-300 VR does best.
Ann04-Dec-2009 05:43
Such a great catch.
Ruth Voorhis04-Dec-2009 02:33
Another great catch.
fotabug04-Dec-2009 00:25
Nice shot, Bea. Did you have to crop any?
Guest 03-Dec-2009 23:39
Another lovely shot.
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