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marko gregoric | all galleries >> BIRDS - PTICE >> Passeriformes (Pevci) >> Alaudidae (Skrjanci) >> Galerida cristata - Copasti skrjanec - Crested lark > Galerida cristata - Copasti skrjanec - Crested lark
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Galerida cristata - Copasti skrjanec - Crested lark

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Tom LeRoy19-Feb-2012 21:15
Fantastic details and great isolation against the DOFd background!V!
Ursula Armstrong19-Feb-2012 14:13
great1 uSCHI 8v9
François Fauchard19-Feb-2012 14:00
Great shot of this crested lark ! V
Steve Morris19-Feb-2012 13:58
Love the stance and great clarity!BV
jychamberland23-Jan-2011 02:30
superb sharp capture!
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte26-Oct-2010 19:55

Jean D21-Feb-2010 22:01
Beautiful and well detailed capture of this gorgeous bird, Marko! ~V
pierreratte23-Jan-2010 20:16
Well done Marko, Just fantastique
Colin Storey04-Dec-2009 10:25
Stunning capture. v
Aivar Mikko02-Dec-2009 18:53
Excellent details. V.
poetry66602-Dec-2009 18:29
Wonderful details and colours Marko.BV!
Simon Chandler01-Dec-2009 18:28
Excellent capture with great clarity. The subject is so cute. v
January Grey01-Dec-2009 06:32
Pretty bird beautifully captured! V~
Liz Bickel30-Nov-2009 18:39
Great shot! I really like the detail of his ruffled head feathers. In the thumb nail, he really blends in with his surroundings. However, at full size, there is a lot of detail. Very nicely done.
Tom Munson30-Nov-2009 18:12
Fantastic image, Marko! Sharp!
Flora30-Nov-2009 17:15
Beautiful capture. Very nice details. V
Bartosz Kotulski30-Nov-2009 13:13
lovely shot. big v
Guest 30-Nov-2009 11:36
Great details, Marko... nice shot!
Bryan Murahashi30-Nov-2009 05:44
Beautiful Lark and excellent photo. V
Dennis Ancinec30-Nov-2009 01:57
Well shot, resemble our horned lark.
Hank Vander Velde30-Nov-2009 01:25
Beautiful sharp image. Blends in well with the setting.
lou_rozensteins30-Nov-2009 00:29
Very nice details. Well done.
laine29-Nov-2009 22:40
What a lovely capture, as a tack !!
Jim Coffman29-Nov-2009 20:54
Very nice image,Marko! Very sharp. V
bill friedlander29-Nov-2009 20:02
Great shot. Excellent details and interesting tuft of feathers on the head. V
Guest 29-Nov-2009 18:43
Fantastic image, Marko. Love his little hair due. V
Gerard Koehl29-Nov-2009 18:08
Wow... splendide. V
Milan Vogrin29-Nov-2009 14:22
Nice shot!V!
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