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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte | all galleries >> Galleries >> city_sight_seen_ >
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Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 35-70mm f/2.8D AF
1/250s f/9.0 at 48.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Fong Lam08-Apr-2024 08:32
An excellent coastal the somber atmosphere and cool color tones....V
Bernard Bosmans25-Feb-2011 01:52
Magnificent shot Ronny, the light, the mood, the composition, the tone, I like this very much. BV.
Yiannis Pavlis24-Dec-2009 14:28
The light and colour saturation are gorgeous!Excellent capture Ronny.V
Peter Sussex13-Dec-2009 17:29
Enviable composition with full of atmosphere.
Wim Ensie30-Nov-2009 23:29
Bad wheather is the best you can get in this picture. I'm getting the feeling of sea-air with this beautiful image.
John30-Nov-2009 19:56
Een haast pastel achtige. Heel mooi en zachte toning en een prima compositie. ~V~
Chris Sofopoulos28-Nov-2009 09:30
I like the pale toning of seascape here.
From where is this image?
bill friedlander28-Nov-2009 00:39
Wonderful capture of this seashore image. Excellent detail and beautiful tones. All the elements of the scene (sky, wave action, cliffs, and beach) are excellent. V
Simon Chandler27-Nov-2009 22:35
Beautiful composition. Really love the mood and tone. v
Walter Otto Koenig27-Nov-2009 22:29
Great perspective and the lighting creates a strong atmosphere. "V"
regi olbrechts27-Nov-2009 20:10
Mooi beeld met delicate, zachte toon.