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Klaus-J. Kahle | all galleries >> Toronto >> Angelica Bongiovonni performance in Toronto in 2009 > Angelica Bongiovonni, Acrobat
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Angelica Bongiovonni, Acrobat

I was standing at the end of the "Runway" for this show, and by pure happenstance, Angelica did a performance on and in a piece of fabric, fastened to the rafter directly above me. So directly, that sometimes the fabric would cover me while she was doing her acrobatics.

It was unlucky in that I didn't get to see the performance the way it was meant to be seen, but very lucky, because it allowed me a unique perspective of her performance.

Nikon D700
1/250s f/1.4 at 50.0mm iso360 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Pawel Kazmierczyk14-May-2016 18:41
Amazing shot, bravo!
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