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3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

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last updated 3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

PBase is temporarily unavailable

3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST

PBase is temporarily unavailable. The database is coming back from a reboot and pages will be slow to load as everything gets loaded back up.

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Slug and The PBase Team

last updated 3-Jul-2024 2:24 EST
119588409 photo - Chris Sofopoulos photos at pbase.com
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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> The flamenco concept >> Verde >
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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte28-Nov-2009 14:06
Awesome Shot!

Michael Shpuntov24-Nov-2009 23:44
Wonderful image. Vote
coaster23-Nov-2009 21:04
A very powerful image. V
caveman_lee22-Nov-2009 16:17
A powerful capture with a very intense eyesight. V
Martha Albuquerque22-Nov-2009 10:09
Her eyes focusing and leading the whole composition is just brilliant~ V
CM Kwan22-Nov-2009 09:36
Your picture is always powerful, Chris! V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther22-Nov-2009 08:18
Another wonderful shot in this series! The pose and the compo is just fantastic! V
Cindi Smith22-Nov-2009 06:06
Superb concentration. Very intense look in her face. Excellent capture!
J. Scott Coile22-Nov-2009 00:07
Pure art on all ends.
Guest 21-Nov-2009 23:32
great shot
Robyco21-Nov-2009 23:20
Great light and that expression again !! (V)
Leo Charette21-Nov-2009 23:14
what an intense stare. Every image in this gallery is spectacular. Bravo!
Ray :)21-Nov-2009 22:51
Terrific ~ again.....