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Ana Poplacean

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Nestor Derkach28-Jan-2011 16:19
So beautiful Ana, you saw this scene with such an artistic eye and delivered perfectly for the view to view in awe.
Nella Pascal27-May-2010 03:36
Lovely image.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Feb-2010 18:30
My colors ... here!!! Well done! V+
Dara Su07-Feb-2010 04:54
Great colors and light. V.
bill friedlander12-Dec-2009 17:02
Beautiful family picture, lively color and light. V
Guest 01-Dec-2009 11:35
Milan Vogrin28-Nov-2009 08:15
Really nice image.V!
REYHAN27-Nov-2009 03:50
Buba Jafarli20-Nov-2009 20:28
Very skillful treatment with a fantastic result! V.
Fabienne18-Nov-2009 21:06
une photo très dynamique, couleurs et mouvements, c'est bien imaginé.
Mihai17-Nov-2009 19:19
Magic colors...magic shot !!!
Big Vote !!!
pascal17-Nov-2009 18:47
Great with this fabulous colors !
Guest 17-Nov-2009 15:48
Great! Beautiful palette of colors. V.
Ali Majdfar17-Nov-2009 08:05
Lovely! ~V
January Grey17-Nov-2009 06:58
Beautiful colors & composition! V~
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