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"A New Machine (Part 1)"

New machine in action.... I was testing my new toy. Picture, courtesy of Wesley Woo

For closer look click here

Canon EOS 7D
1/400s f/9.0 at 90.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Jola Dziubinska29-Nov-2009 00:04
I'd love to be up there.
Barbara Heide05-Nov-2009 00:22
Guest 04-Nov-2009 19:33
You're braver than I but it looks incredible! Nively captured by your friend as well!
Chris04-Nov-2009 06:03
That's you? Fantastic!
Dennis Warren04-Nov-2009 00:59
very nice image...but I've seen to many of them come down unexpectedly for me to try it.
Cindi Smith04-Nov-2009 00:48
Looks like fun to me! Sign me up!
Sheila04-Nov-2009 00:27
Perfect for the challenge!
Good shot.
Stephanie04-Nov-2009 00:11
Looks like a lot of fun! Wonderful photo too.
lisamidi03-Nov-2009 22:07
WoW, that must be a wonderful feeling up there. Great -and I hope reliable- new machine.
LynnH03-Nov-2009 17:19
Very beautiful color and lots of details. Nice seeing the linear clouds and parachute baffles... Good job. V
Bryan Murahashi03-Nov-2009 15:32
Fun capture.
Marielou Dhumez03-Nov-2009 14:44
Well seen for this excellent title !