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Ralph | all galleries >> Galleries >> unicycling > 10 foot giraffe unicycle
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03-OCT-2009 Ralph

10 foot giraffe unicycle

Austin, Texas

Here I am riding my friend Tobias's 10 foot unicycle. There is a video of this ride here There is a video camera in my backpack and I am wearing a helmet camera from Xtreme Recall.

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-May-2011 13:17
Go ahead! V
John Cooper16-Jul-2010 08:12
Incredible, I just got onto 2 wheels, might be a while before I think of 1.
Grady Mankin04-Oct-2009 05:45
Looks like fun, Ralph -- but is that a parachute in your backpack? -- (it's a long way down!)
It's been my pleasure for some years now to check into your galleries to see what you've been up to. Thanks for all the fine images!
Best regards, Grady