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Citizens turned into Barbarians

Barbarism or Justice?

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The crowds that gathered around and witnessed the burning bodies of the three robbers near the Timber Market, Karachi yesterday said they were ‘happy over the incident and praised the persons who had torched these robbers alive.’

Is this justice served or a mob that acted out of sheer frustration and torched three men, two of whom died on the spot and the third succumed to his death in the hospital?

Granted the looting and robbing of citizens has reached new highs in recent times and the people were fed up of being robbed and looted. But can this act of ignorance and brutality ever be justified by any means? Where is the sense in torching three human beings to death? What law were these people following and why have none of them been taken in to custody for murder?

As always, there were conflicting reports of what actually happened and how. Daily Times stated that only one police mobile was present at the time when the robbers were fleeing after looting a house and were fired upon. As a result of the chase that the police gave, two of the robbers were shot dead and one was critically wounded. The mobs wanted to beat and set fire to the three bodies which they gladly did while both the police and the Edhi Ambulance people were shoved back by thousands of angry residents.

There was a conflicting account in the very same news clipping that the robbers were caught fleeing by the residents and were beaten up with any thing they could lay their hands on and THEN they were torched to death while atleast 5-6 police mobiles and one ambulance service were rendered helpless by the angry crowds.

What are we turning in to? Just recently we saw chaos in Multan where angry mobs took to the streets and damaged private and government property in their own style of protests against the impending load sheddings. And now yet again, law has been taken in the hands of a common man and three men, although criminals, were burnt alive in broad day light as a lesson for others who followed the same path.

So does this mean we do not need law and order in our country any more? Is there no need for police or the army or the courts or any laws and sentences?

Who is going to be held responsible for this heinous act? The robbers who rob, the people who killed them, the policemen who watched, the ambulance staff who couldn’t help, or us all who will think about this for five minutes and then move on?

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