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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Sports & Action >> Rodeos >> Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo 2009 > Saddle Bronc II
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Sept 2009 Barbara Read

Saddle Bronc II

Merritt, BC view map

To qualify, the rider must have his spurs over the break of the shoulders until the horse completes his first jump out of the chute.
He will be disqualified for touching any part of the animal or equipment, for losing a stirrup or for getting bucked off before
the end of the eight-second ride. Each event requires a key component to achieve success and for saddle bronc competition, this
component is maintaining a good rhythm. In time with the bronc's bucking action, the rider spurs from the animal's neck, using
a full swing, toward the back of the saddle with his toes pointed outwards.

The equipment required by the saddle bronc competitor includes his own CPRA approved saddle, spurs with dull rowels (the revolving
disk at the end of each spur), leather chaps and a braided rein. The length of the rein is crucial as it can mean the difference
between staying on the bronc for the full eight seconds, or being tossed off. By adjusting his grip carefully, the cowboy can
maintain his balance and, hopefully, prevent himself from being pulled out of the saddle and over the front end of the horse. -C.P.R.A.

Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM ,Digital
1/1250s, f/2.8, ISO 200, 140mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paul L-R12-Sep-2009 22:29
Fantastic timing and composition, Barbara. The added commentary is priceless too, in helping the uninitiated to comprehend what these guys go through. V
Tom Munson12-Sep-2009 20:20
Another outstanding action image, Fred! The expression is priceless.
Bill Warren12-Sep-2009 20:19
Excellent even without the background folks arrangement and expressions. V
Gerard Koehl12-Sep-2009 18:04
Magnifique prise... V