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McGarva | all galleries >> Travels (25 Galleries) >> South Africa > Robbers Grave
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09-Aug-2009 Shaun McGarva

Robbers Grave

Mpumalanga, South Africa

At the Pilgrams Rest graveyard, every single grave was laid facing in the same direction,
except for the famous Robber’s Grave which is laid perpendicular to the rest,
emblazoned simply with a cross and the large type words of Robbers Grave.
It is as the name suggests the grave of a robber who was shot stealing a tent from one of the miners.

More in Shaun's gallery of South Africa

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Stewart Mitchell31-Aug-2009 17:57
Cracking shot...intriuging image and soft light are well captured here, well done Shaun!
Barbara Heide31-Aug-2009 00:12
excellent! v
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