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Ali Majdfar | all galleries >> Attractive Places in Iran >> A Day in Cactus Farm, Mahallat > Cactus Farm
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24-APR-2009 Ali Majdfar

Cactus Farm

Mahallat - Markazi Province

other sizes: small medium original auto
Valene05-Sep-2009 04:10
Wonderful composition! V
Jean D02-Sep-2009 00:09
Superb composition, Ali! ~V~
Lamar Nix01-Sep-2009 12:53
Effective use of repetition here,. V
larose forest photos30-Aug-2009 03:37
Marvelous shot! Well captured. V
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo30-Aug-2009 03:18
Wonderful POV. These are beautiful golden barrel cactus!
Buba Jafarli28-Aug-2009 14:11
Lovely pattern! V.
veraferia25-Aug-2009 19:51
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