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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> Critters In My Life >> The Vizslas > Zofie - Lurking
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13-AUG-2009 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Zofie - Lurking

Nikon D80 ,Vivitar 200mm f/3.5
1/100s f/1.0 iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Raf26-Nov-2010 21:36
Good pose of Zofie. Sharp, good light and warm colours.
Laura Milholland21-Aug-2009 15:47
Aw, the profile is so sweet.
Jack Hoying15-Aug-2009 23:24
Good looking dog!
Guest 15-Aug-2009 18:58
Great shot of her!
Bea.14-Aug-2009 22:55
Lovely shot, nice focus. Total concentration on her part.
Ed Duverger14-Aug-2009 18:13
Very good portrait of Zofie.
Guest 14-Aug-2009 16:01
A handsome dog, good light and color. I see that the aperture does not get reported correctly in the exif data!
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