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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte | all galleries >> Galleries >> city_sight_seen_ >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S
1/640s f/7.1 at 35.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
godro04-Apr-2013 19:22
Nice work!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)23-Oct-2010 17:59
Beautiful and colorful series! Well done!!! Bv
Simon Chandler03-Dec-2009 22:31
Excellent composition, minimalistic yet compelling. v
PauloCGama10-Nov-2009 23:35
"That" tree against the sun adds the special touch. Nicely composed, my friend. VV
bill friedlander18-Aug-2009 00:16
You were in a perfect position to get this superb composition. Very good indeed. V
Wim Ensie16-Aug-2009 21:15
A enormous feeling of space and air you give in this picture excellent!
John14-Aug-2009 10:03
Schitterend schouwspel van de ondergaande zon. Erg mooi van kleur en de flarden wolken dragen bij aan veel diepte. Bijzonder stemmig. V
marko gregoric13-Aug-2009 09:53
Superb colors and composition. Very good. V.
Yiannis Pavlis12-Aug-2009 19:49
Magnificent POV and splendid composition with excellent detail and light.Well done Ronny.V
Fong Lam12-Aug-2009 12:43
Wonderful sunset scene, Ronny ~V~
shatterbug12-Aug-2009 06:46
That is just a marvelous sky and silhouettes...terrific in pano format!
Walter Otto Koenig11-Aug-2009 20:51
Wonderful light and colors, great ambiance in this image. "V"