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poky sky 2.jpg

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Nikon D300
1/60s f/4.5 at 62.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
joseantonio03-Oct-2010 04:58
Beautiful colors. Well done
Laura Milholland25-Aug-2009 17:11
Magnificent colors, Byrle. Very nicely shot!
paplvr13-Aug-2009 02:02
Very cool, love it. Linda S
Ruth Voorhis09-Aug-2009 20:03
Lovely capture, Byrle. That color is gorgeous.
Ed Duverger09-Aug-2009 12:44
Great colors
Guest 09-Aug-2009 06:34
Awesome Bryle
Peter Booker 09-Aug-2009 05:01
Byrle, this is lovely - the minimal base, the layers of different apparent sharpness and the wonderful glow above the base
Paul Milholland09-Aug-2009 03:11
Don't recall seeing this one before, Byrle. I like it.
Bea.09-Aug-2009 02:29
Incredible colour and texture in the clouds. Nice shot.
fotabug09-Aug-2009 02:04
A beautiful sky
Terry 09-Aug-2009 01:34
I haven't seen this posted before. Very nice indeed!
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