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poky sky 1.jpg

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Nikon D300
1/320s f/9.0 at 18.0mm iso250 full exif

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Charoak30-Jul-2009 17:11
I would frame and put on my wall anyday.......Awesome pic! Great photograph and great photography...Char Aucoin
Ruth Voorhis29-Jul-2009 02:38
Wonderful capture of that beautiful sky, Byrle.
morryb200028-Jul-2009 19:02
Great capture. I love the highlights captured on the clouds at the top.
Guest 28-Jul-2009 15:11
Very dramatic and well captured scene
David 28-Jul-2009 14:57
The only comment I have is the loss of detail on the right side of the horizon. Nice colors and shapes of clouds.
Guest 28-Jul-2009 04:47
This fabulous.
Michael Shpuntov28-Jul-2009 04:31
Very beautiful sunset shot. Makes me go there and watch it. Vote.
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