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HMCS Uganda | all galleries >> Galleries >> HMCS Uganda HMCS Quebec > ugandatraining3.jpg
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My father is second from the right front row

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David 10-Dec-2016 20:45
Hi Eric, WOW, I just found this and I must say what a fine job you have done. My father served on the Uganda during ww2 but never talked much about things that took place. In the 80's he along with other ship mates were given medals for their part in the Manirsk runs in the north atlantic from the Russian Government. His name was , John Richard Cholmondeley AB gunner, would you have any pictures of him during his tour of duties or know where I might get a model of the ship?
Cora Cluett 11-Nov-2014 16:32
My father served on the Uganda - second from the left - back row - John Arthur (Art) Cluett.
cathy 23-Feb-2013 12:40
Hi Eric
My Grandfather was on the Uganda do you know if he is in this picture? His name is John"Jack" C. Whalen
HMCS Uganda24-Jun-2010 23:52

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