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Antonio Ruggiero | all galleries >> South Italy - 10 subgalleries >> Ceglie Messapica - South Italy > Ceglie Messapica - Italy - Clothes Architecture
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Ceglie Messapica - Italy - Clothes Architecture

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Jim's Atavistic Visions18-May-2012 17:52
Love it!
sue anne21-Aug-2009 20:57
Great line up and there is such a neatness in this line.
Barbara Heide09-Jul-2009 21:13
superb! such a cliché for Italy...
Jola Dziubinska08-Jul-2009 23:48
Fantastic shot, I like it :)
Guest 08-Jul-2009 20:43
Nice clean shot, love the contrasting colors on the clothes lines against the white building side.
lou_rozensteins08-Jul-2009 07:24
Makes a wonderful colourful shot. Well done.
Maaike Huizer08-Jul-2009 07:00
:):) Great shot.
Doug Cruden08-Jul-2009 05:44
lol!! Great shot for the challenge, Antonio :o)) Lovely and colourful against the white wall
Russ Rose08-Jul-2009 03:12
Nice. I like it.
Bill Ewart Jr08-Jul-2009 01:55
Great take on this challenge! hmmmmm, those are some short pants!
cits_4_pets08-Jul-2009 01:41
LOL, green dryer...nice find
Dennis Warren08-Jul-2009 00:24
clothes hanging on lines is something I rarely see anymore...too many electric dryers. Well seen.