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Dave Petersen Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Dog That Runs Our Household > I'm Watching
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I'm Watching

Canon EOS 40D
1/180s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
hamery10-Jan-2016 08:39
I don't mind Caya runs my house , Dave. Silky hair and the clever eyes lies underneath. Great eyes contact and marvelous tone and loving expression. She is as timid as a sheep here ! BV
Graeme24-Jun-2015 22:54
The watchful eye..V
Karen Moen16-Feb-2015 06:39
Those eyes say it all--full of inteligence and mischief! Great capture. Voted.
M Paula Neumann10-Feb-2015 01:51
Very cute.
Alexander Kazakov09-Feb-2015 14:00
Lovely! V
Kim07-Feb-2015 00:06
Such a lovely portrait! V
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