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Lamar Nix04-May-2011 12:57
Wavefronts create a scintillating image! V
Guest 18-Feb-2010 16:56
Very nice composition. Well done.
Marcia Colelli24-Jun-2009 01:02
nice abstract V
Guest 22-Jun-2009 01:20
great abstract,V
Guest 21-Jun-2009 21:57
Silvia Roitman21-Jun-2009 20:04
very nice!
John Lamb21-Jun-2009 19:59
The tones, contrast and movement are great Norbi. I would be proud to have this framed and hanging on my wall.
Bartosz Kotulski21-Jun-2009 19:44
this one is great. like the dark tone of the water and fantastic central composition. great balance too.very well done