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Jackdad | all galleries >> Pooch >> "Dog with a Blog": the Adventures of Pooch > 25th May 2009
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25th May 2009

It was getting near to supper-time and my belly was growling. Luckily I smelled a PHEASANT nearby!
He was hidden in these tall plants, hoping I would go away. Dad wondered what I was doing, because
I wouldn't stop sniffing and rummaging. A moment later, all was revealed! The pheasant broke from
cover with a loud squawk and flew away!
SO close but no pheasant for supper today. What do you think will happen next time, friends? Will I get lucky one day?

Dad: today's PAD alternative - my latest 'stupid hat'. The wife grabbed the 5D from me and snapped it before I could stop her!

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3
1/125s f/5.6 at 12.8mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Michael Todd Thorpe26-May-2009 23:39
Just a tail o' the Pup! Probably a good idea that you didn't get him, do you know what you would have done with him?
Bryan Murahashi26-May-2009 14:14
Great thick greens for your Pheasant hunt.
Sheila26-May-2009 13:30
Remarkable camouflage! Who jumped the highest when the pheasant broke? :-)
Tom Tom25-May-2009 22:45
Pooch, keep trying and one day you'll get your first pheasant! Maybe get Dad to paint you green? :)
Ulla Inkeri Huhta25-May-2009 22:36
One of these days he flies in the "wrong direction". THAT`S your lucky day.
nomadicdragon25-May-2009 19:54
So close Pooch. Maybe next time.
Zak25-May-2009 18:18
The green-ness!
Johnny JAG25-May-2009 17:55
Great camouflage Pooch.
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