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Tinker Bell

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Yiannis Pavlis12-Jul-2013 19:53
Artfully done and very effective!
godro03-Nov-2012 21:13
Original,nice compo and work!!!
Michael Tauber15-Oct-2011 08:39
Creative, simple and beautiful.
Andrew Bott15-Aug-2010 07:15
Impressive: both the composition and post-processing are great (and work very well together here).
Guest 07-Dec-2009 12:21
Another fabulous image beautifully processed.
Kim06-Dec-2009 15:25
:-) Excellent! V
flojoe24-Jun-2009 11:31
I do love your processing here...whats your secret!? A great shot, brilliant've made an everday subject look stunning! V
Raymond Ma30-May-2009 04:28
Love the treatment and the edgy raw feel. V
Aud Elise Sjøsæther25-May-2009 18:56
Utrolig godt observert! En morsom detalj : ) Nydelige toner! V
Peter Zetner25-May-2009 17:11
Fantastic! A great pairing with your "Party Legs" photo! V.
Francisco Figueras25-May-2009 16:59
excelente procesado!
globalgadabout25-May-2009 15:08
fabulous...and the birds can hear him coming...V
Jeff Real25-May-2009 14:14
Absolutely fantastic! VOTE!
settler25-May-2009 10:58
Ali Majdfar25-May-2009 10:38
lou_rozensteins25-May-2009 09:41
Well done!
Barbara Heide25-May-2009 09:38
beau traitement! v
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