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Aud Elise Sjøsæther | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black & white > Running
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Nikon D300
1/640s f/10.0 at 52.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
M Hauss29-Mar-2010 19:42
Wow, stunning shot. Really captures the loneliness of the runner. v.
Thomas04-Jun-2009 16:21
Your compositions are always outstanding!
Eric Herbelin29-May-2009 15:11
Superb! V
Sue Robertson27-May-2009 23:12
Perfect!... vv
Wenche Aune25-May-2009 07:33
Flotte linjer og kurver. Personen gir bildet et ekstra løft. V
PauloCGama25-May-2009 01:18
Outstanding! v
Raymond Ma23-May-2009 20:42
This is marvelous Aud! V
lou_rozensteins23-May-2009 00:30
Amazing composition. The shapes and contrasts are superb. Well done. Voted.
veraferia22-May-2009 18:47
Top composition with harmony and beauty!V
jlm22-May-2009 18:10
Excellent !
Fong Lam22-May-2009 16:19
Outstanding composition of lines and curves and the lone runner is an added bonus ~V~
Silvia Roitman22-May-2009 14:40
Guenter Eh22-May-2009 14:31
Yes, the lonly runner is "la cerise sur le gateaux" in your foto! Powerful dynamic with the lines and curves. Beautiful b+w! :)
Lise Trempe22-May-2009 14:22
Excellent pov, this makes it a very beautiful graphic picture.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad22-May-2009 14:10
Excellent image! V
H2M22-May-2009 09:15
Fantastisk flot grafisk billede. Løberen er perfekt i kompositionen. V!
shatterbug22-May-2009 06:50
This works so well in b/w...great compo and toning!
Doug Cruden22-May-2009 05:56
Beautiful B&W shot with a stunning contrast between shadows & light, and the curves going around the frame are compelling! The inclusion of the lone runner is a master shot, giving a sense of the scale of the stadium...fantastic photo, Aud Elise! V+
ltolksdorf22-May-2009 05:28
Great b&w. V
dane22-May-2009 03:58
One of your all time finest images.
globalgadabout22-May-2009 02:25
tremendous impact...this looks almost like a Greek theatre...the runner is the star in this absorbing scene...V
Marcia Rules22-May-2009 00:16
really great lines and feeling of being a small part of this world!!! V
Antonis Sarantos21-May-2009 22:54
Stunning composition!
Excellent choise of b&w!
an nguyen21-May-2009 21:53
Wow... look at the line , the shape and the tone..this is a brilliant photo..and I love it..V
alexeig21-May-2009 21:41
I love these repeating curves and the lonely figure of a runner
settler21-May-2009 21:15
Masterly and such fine compo..BV!!
Gerhard Ritsema21-May-2009 20:37
Wow..this is greatly composed. The immense stadium against the tiny atlete! Great work. V
marie-jose wolff21-May-2009 20:36
there is space enough for running... V
John21-May-2009 20:27
OMG what an exceptional shot. You sure have a great eye for detail and sense for awesome compositions (or was it the other way around ::) A huge vote fot this Superb shot.
Walter Otto Koenig21-May-2009 20:07
Fantastic shot with all these lines. What an amazing geometry. The lone person running crowns the shot. "V"
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