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Ron S. Bernardo | all galleries >> Galleries >> PHOTO A DAY - PART II > Got Hired!
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Got Hired!

I just want to share to all my friends, I got hired as photographer by Canada Newswire Group, CNW. I hope to get really busy with them besides my regular newspaper work.

I still dream and my goal is to shoot for AP, Canadian Press, and other major news services. I am happy with this for now and must start slow but sure.

If I can be one of those photographers to shoot the 2010 or 2012 Olympics...that would be great!

Dream on and work hard...

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Elmer Quianio14-May-2009 20:00
Bro,CONGRATS I'm Impressed.
Sam_C11-May-2009 01:45
Big time Congrats to your new job!! All that hard work is paying off, wish you the best! :)
Robin Reid09-May-2009 05:27
I like your passion and dream. Congratulations.
Fong Lam09-May-2009 04:59
Congrats and best wishes on your new assignment, Ron !!