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marko gregoric | all galleries >> BIRDS - PTICE >> Galliformes (Kure) >> Phasianidae (Poljske kure) >> Phasianus colchicus - Fazan - Pheasant > Phasianus colchicus - Fazan - Pheasant
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Phasianus colchicus - Fazan - Pheasant

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fara123-Nov-2013 09:35
an ace shot very well done.V
Sam_C25-Sep-2011 09:58
Superb. V++
Vickie BROWN25-Sep-2011 05:28
Excellent work with the vivid colours. V
James Clarke24-Sep-2011 12:27
Beautiful capture, love the birds colours against that bright green grass. BV
Guest 03-May-2010 04:39
Gorgeous!!! V
Tom Merigan09-Sep-2009 15:49
Wonderful colors and detail!! V Tom
don nieman30-May-2009 18:19
We used to have a great population of ringed neck pheasants in Western New York. They are mostly gone, seems turkeys have taken over. Beautiful catch!
Monique Trempe28-May-2009 22:05
Beautiful shot!
Garry Vaccaro07-May-2009 02:23
nice shot, vibrant colors
marie06-May-2009 17:42
what a beauty
Fong Lam05-May-2009 18:27
Superb capture, love the vivid colors and clarity ~V~
Marco Valk05-May-2009 17:19
beautiful, crisp image. gmv
Guest 05-May-2009 15:17
great capture V
bill friedlander04-May-2009 19:27
Excellent shot. Great details, composition, and colors. V
Lamar Nix04-May-2009 16:33
Excellent! Bright and true colors and very sharp. V
Aivar Mikko04-May-2009 15:26
Nice bird, excellent colors. V.
Tom Munson04-May-2009 14:37
Wow, this guy is all colored up for breeding season! Great shot, Marko!
Ali Majdfar04-May-2009 12:07
Splendid! ~V
Colin Storey04-May-2009 10:08
wonderful colours and dof. v
Ivan Kruys04-May-2009 09:52
Superb colours, sharpness and DOF! V!
Jim Coffman04-May-2009 02:33
Marcia Colelli04-May-2009 00:43
wonderful detail, nice capture V
laine03-May-2009 23:53
Wonderful details Marko...V
lou_rozensteins03-May-2009 23:07
Beautiful colour and detail. Well done.
Mairéad03-May-2009 21:52
Excellent shot, great details and beautifully contrasted against the grass. V
Carol Rollins03-May-2009 21:16
Wow, fantastic shot. Wonderful clarity and vibrant colors! ~
Milan Vogrin03-May-2009 19:43
Very nice colours!V!
Gerard Koehl03-May-2009 18:23
Ce faisan mâle est magnifique... V
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