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Ali Majdfar | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tulip's Dancing with the wind > Tulip's Dancing with the wind
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24-APR-2009 Ali Majdfar

Tulip's Dancing with the wind

Mahallat - Markazi Province

other sizes: small medium original auto
waterfalls man10-May-2009 01:05
Very Nice Shot V
Pawel06-May-2009 12:32
Fav 2!
Gerard Koehl02-May-2009 16:50
Magnifique... V
Guest 02-May-2009 16:41
Guest 02-May-2009 14:53
Nice Shot : )
Pat Shawyer02-May-2009 13:24
Wonderful colours again Ali !
Lamar Nix02-May-2009 13:20
Pretty floral composition!
Shirley Haden02-May-2009 12:56
This is fantastic Ali!! Wonderful DOF, the flower just pops from the monitor. I love how nice and sharp the flower is.
Hank Vander Velde02-May-2009 12:36
Very nicely isolated tulip image Ali.
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