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11-APR-2009 Luis Afonso

Salty Cheese

Moledo do Minho, Portugal

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/4s f/13.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
fdt05-May-2009 08:24
Magnifique. f
Naret Visesvongsa01-May-2009 23:51
Outsatnding landscape work.
Aida Villaronga30-Apr-2009 12:37
Fabuolous sea scene and wonderful exposure. Beautiful image. V
Guest 30-Apr-2009 10:41
Beautiful... fabulous comp!
Guest 30-Apr-2009 10:29
Boas Luis,
Toda a sequência que tens incluído diariamente, foto a foto, parece uma série.
Cada vez mais empolgante a cada epísodio.

Um abraço
Milos Markovic29-Apr-2009 20:57
Love it, Luis.
Claude Martin29-Apr-2009 19:40
Absolutely fantastic landscape, shot with masterclass. V
Bartosz Kotulski29-Apr-2009 12:05
such a fantastic open landscape. great point of view and such ana amazing light.big v
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