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Happy Resurrection Day!

Risen Indeed!
(Early Easter Greeting for Thursday Challenge

(These photos are actually of a storm drain; reminded me of the empty tomb!)

Kodak Z650
1/40s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Cliff Hutson10-Apr-2009 18:55
Great premise,lovely photo.
wendy beard10-Apr-2009 03:40
Very imaginative!
Harrison10-Apr-2009 01:35
Well done
mathilda williams10-Apr-2009 00:43
Very apt and beautiful.
sue anne09-Apr-2009 23:33
Very good interpretation and deep meaning captured.
Mairéad09-Apr-2009 19:49
You find inspiration everywhere Carol, well done.
Máire Uí Mhaicín09-Apr-2009 19:36
Very symbolic image.
Lys09-Apr-2009 19:21
Creative interpretation of the theme. Well done. :)
Maaike Huizer09-Apr-2009 15:08
Fabulous find. Great contrast.
Ken Duckert09-Apr-2009 13:11
Well done!
CreativeWiseGal09-Apr-2009 13:03
Oh, I like this a lot. Very clever!
Barbara Heide09-Apr-2009 12:01
yes, good idea!
Guest 09-Apr-2009 11:32
Wonderful idea! Very nicely done.
Yvonne09-Apr-2009 11:14
A timely find Carol! Hope no children go exploring in there though...
laine8209-Apr-2009 09:16
Indeed, Carol...very meaningful.
Jola Dziubinska09-Apr-2009 08:33
Oh, Carol, this is stunning and so meaningful, great find for this day. Love it, vote.
Happy Easter.
Norbert Fortelny09-Apr-2009 08:15
The only resurrection that counts for me.
Love it.
carolynne_w09-Apr-2009 04:51
Well done!
Carol Rollins09-Apr-2009 04:09
This is wonderful Carol. Very meaningful.
Kerry Tingley09-Apr-2009 03:34
Great capture Carol. Happy Easter! It's foot washing tomorrow.
J. Scott Coile09-Apr-2009 03:24
The KING of kings!
Evaristo Buendia Carrera09-Apr-2009 02:23
Great idea¡
BleuEvanescence09-Apr-2009 02:18
Clever and cool find!
Guest 09-Apr-2009 01:01
Great imagination, what comes in, must come out!
Walter Otto Koenig09-Apr-2009 00:44
Wow, very cool find Carol.
Guest 09-Apr-2009 00:07
Great find, Carol. Natures way of reproducing and spreading. Well done.
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