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Phillip Normanton | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> PaD April 2009 > 20090408 - Quiet Night In
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20090408 - Quiet Night In

Inspirationless, tired and don't feel like going out. Can't decide which of the boring pics of sweets I took I like the least :o(

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/4s f/8.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine09-Apr-2009 23:59
Nice and soothing...Vaughn Williams & chockies
Kathryn09-Apr-2009 16:12
Any dark chocolate ones left? Happy Easter Phillip.
malcolm haslam09-Apr-2009 05:36
Start with Lark Ascending...follow with Pachalbel's Cannon...dig into the sweets with Arvo Part's Silentium, then come round with Beethoven's Sixth...evening over, feeling loads better.
J. Scott Coile08-Apr-2009 22:10
Getting to my sweet tooth.
Mairéad08-Apr-2009 20:50
Pass me a purple one please....I haven't eaten any sweets all Lent
and would love one now.
Neil Horner08-Apr-2009 20:31
Cheer up mate , its nearly the long weekend !!!!! Feet up , relaxing music on , glass of wine , fall asleep...zzzzzzzzzz......
Doug Cruden08-Apr-2009 20:25
Naah! It has to be the choccies and a glass of plonk....
Walter Otto Koenig08-Apr-2009 19:48
The consensus is for music, so turn it up and don't forget to pour yourself a wine.
Máire Uí Mhaicín08-Apr-2009 19:29
I'd listen to the music, and be good and leave the chocolate! You can afford to do both :)
Guest 08-Apr-2009 19:26
Quiet!! get it turned up to 11
Ann...08-Apr-2009 19:01
Open some wine and drown in the music!!
Kevin Chester08-Apr-2009 18:54
Just scoff the lot and put on Adagio full blast