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Canon EOS 5D
1/1600s f/4.0 at 105.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Nina Ludwig14-Feb-2010 02:06
Very nice indeed!
Pawel16-May-2009 12:34
realy nice :)
Lise Trempe13-Mar-2009 12:09
Marvelous composition, beautiful image.
Alain Boussac13-Mar-2009 06:52
Wonderful white tone and DOF. It is art ! BV.
bill friedlander11-Mar-2009 23:55
Very delicate and elegant. V
Guest 11-Mar-2009 10:43
beautiful contrast and dof.
laine8210-Mar-2009 21:59
Ahhhh, such beautiful gum blossom...!!
Apostolos Tikopoulos10-Mar-2009 19:32
Excellent composition and colours! V.
PauloCGama10-Mar-2009 19:14
Love it!! Just love it.
Bill Warren10-Mar-2009 14:02
What a delight with those stringy petals. V
Marcia Rules10-Mar-2009 13:15
marvelous Nick!!!!!!! v
12310-Mar-2009 08:16
Beautiful. V
Guest 10-Mar-2009 08:02
Wonderful tone ! V
H2M10-Mar-2009 08:00
Exquisite Art. V!
Sue Robertson10-Mar-2009 04:48
Well this truned out beautifully. Your dark background highlights the blossoms nicely.. :) v
Naret Visesvongsa10-Mar-2009 04:47
Beautiful capture. V
shatterbug10-Mar-2009 03:41 the processing!
pr_rajan10-Mar-2009 03:31
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