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cits_4_pets | all galleries >> PAD & PAW Galleries >> All in a Pet Sitter's Day > Lights Adjustment (Turned On)
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Flo Hendry 2009 March 2009 PAD: March to Work

Lights Adjustment (Turned On)

March to Work

Turning lights on & off a common request to give the house a live in look.

March Monochrome (or Almost)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18
1/13s f/4.0 at 8.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Markus Grompe24-Nov-2021 16:42
definitely humorous!!!!
Ken Zaret23-Oct-2015 01:17
Good one!
joseantonio24-Jul-2012 16:49
What a fantastic image.....Very nice find and capture..V.
Keith O'Brien25-Jun-2011 18:38
LOL!!! Superb! V
Dennis Camp03-Jan-2011 02:00
I burst out with a good laugh, great picture. Well seen, idea.
janescottcumming05-Jun-2010 19:12
I see that little smile on David's face! Great photo, I didn't realize you pet sitters had so much fun.
peterjay4524-Aug-2009 16:16
Funny. :) This brightened my morning.
ac04-Aug-2009 18:00
Neil Marcus28-Jul-2009 00:26
Flo, you are a rip!. Wsh I thought of it.
Mox Factor (Benji Sun)08-Jul-2009 03:25
David must be happy with all the attention he's getting... ^_^
Hodero08-Apr-2009 03:53
Must have been a de-light......
January Grey13-Mar-2009 05:21
Love the switch! Cute shot!
Isabel Cutler10-Mar-2009 17:52
I agree - TOO FUNNY!
v c bacon10-Mar-2009 17:36
Great find!
Cindi Smith10-Mar-2009 15:14
LOL! Too funny!
Mairéad10-Mar-2009 12:55
LOL - so David lights up your life?
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