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Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> most popular photography > DSC_3377makro.jpg
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shatterbug16-Jul-2010 18:31
Fascinating macro!
John27-Mar-2009 13:12
Absolute stunning Macro, wonderful. V
Peter Stubley04-Mar-2009 19:17
Great macro -- lots of sharp delicate details.
Laryl22-Feb-2009 20:32
another interesting macro
Maaike Huizer22-Feb-2009 07:27
Cindi Smith22-Feb-2009 06:11
This is most excellent!!!!!
Russ Rose22-Feb-2009 05:51
very pretty cu
Sheila22-Feb-2009 01:45
Excellent close up! Great detail and colours!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Feb-2009 21:56
Superb, very well seen, Vote.
Barbara Heide21-Feb-2009 21:11
creepy! amazing shot! v
Mairéad21-Feb-2009 20:32
Super macro.
Máire Uí Mhaicín21-Feb-2009 19:04
Beautiful image, Matylda.
Silvia Roitman21-Feb-2009 18:51
Walter Otto Koenig21-Feb-2009 15:42
Whoa, this is really cool. Great details and colors.
Marielou Dhumez21-Feb-2009 15:08
Fancy fireworks !!!!!
Jola Dziubinska21-Feb-2009 12:15
Beautiful, vote.
John Vass21-Feb-2009 09:11
Excellent! I like the lines and the aphids!
Ann...21-Feb-2009 08:03
This could be some alien being, but it would be a friendly one! Detail is excellent.....I thought for a moment that there were 3 greenfly in there??