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Mostafa Moftah | all galleries >> Galleries >> Soul-flowers > Echinacea
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© 2009 Mostafa Moftah

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PauloCGama19-Feb-2009 01:56
Outstanding!! v
Sue Robertson18-Feb-2009 22:44
Wow.. This is just superb.. v
Nick Arena17-Feb-2009 23:04
Stunning image..wonderful light tone and detail..V
endre novak17-Feb-2009 22:06
delicate work.
Colin Clarke17-Feb-2009 20:40
Beautifully done. V.
s reeves17-Feb-2009 19:25
Beautiful, abstract - perfect macro shot. Voted.
Milos Markovic17-Feb-2009 19:09
Naomi 17-Feb-2009 15:52
Wonderful image, Mostafa! V
Eric Herbelin17-Feb-2009 08:52
Superb! V