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Milos Markovic | all galleries >> Flora & Fauna >> Floral world >
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Apostolos Tikopoulos16-Feb-2009 22:08
So creative work. v.
Sandi Whitteker14-Feb-2009 22:01
Fabulous capture Milos! Wonderful sharp details of a gorgeous bloom, and a super bokeh as well.
an N 13-Feb-2009 01:50
Lovely, just in time for Valentine....
Guest 12-Feb-2009 23:24
This is fabulous. I love how the little droplets almost form hearts on the side of the rose.
this would make a fantastic valentines card.
Chad Ramsey12-Feb-2009 20:45
Superb!!! Beautiful shot~V
Katie Chew12-Feb-2009 18:00
Beautiful! V
Carol Rollins12-Feb-2009 03:59
Deep rich color, magical light, splendid water drops, perfectly composed. A++
Marcia Colelli12-Feb-2009 02:56
Beautiful and romantic V
endre novak11-Feb-2009 19:03
refined work. nice image.
Alain Boussac11-Feb-2009 18:00
This red is sumptuous and details in droplets are wonderful. The macrophotography at its most sensitive and nicest level, Milos ! BV.
silvia marmori11-Feb-2009 13:31
your work made me remind a line i had read long ago.. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals...
i got that feeling here.. a hidden soul, ready to be unfold, covered yet by fresh beauty..
Guest 11-Feb-2009 11:51
Beautiful with wonderful rich colors and excellent details of the water droplets, Milos!
Naret Visesvongsa11-Feb-2009 10:22
Outstanding flower shot. V
Wenche Aune11-Feb-2009 09:40
Beautiful! V
Patricia Kay11-Feb-2009 09:24
Goreous rose Milos...just in time for Valentines Day! BV
Aud Elise Sjøsæther11-Feb-2009 08:14
So beautiful! V
Debbie Blackburn Beierle11-Feb-2009 04:58
Ever so LOVELY and so romantic! Excellent work, Milos!
TuTmin11-Feb-2009 04:49
How beautiful ! I want it Milos :)
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad11-Feb-2009 03:53
Amazing textures.
Yves Marquis11-Feb-2009 02:20
wow this is so sharp
CIS11-Feb-2009 02:17
Beautiful rich and royal tones!
Glenn D.11-Feb-2009 01:12
Stunning richness of tone and use of light. BV!
Denis Vincelette10-Feb-2009 23:38
Very nice details and lighting ... Excellent job Milos !
Claude Martin10-Feb-2009 22:41
Beautiful and very romantic... the water drops on the petals adds a very nice emotional touch to it...V
Guest 10-Feb-2009 22:21
The colors and the detail are wonderful. Very well done! BC
J. Scott Coile10-Feb-2009 22:02
PauloCGama10-Feb-2009 21:41
awesome details, Milos. drops add a very special charming and beauty!!
wonderful job, my friend.
cheers / v
Nicki Thurgar10-Feb-2009 20:42
Wonderful light & colour!
Gerhard Ritsema10-Feb-2009 20:36
What a pearl of a picture. Great deep red color and lighting.
Aida Villaronga10-Feb-2009 19:49
So so beautiful!! V
monil10-Feb-2009 19:20
Beautiful and romantic. v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography10-Feb-2009 19:15
Very nice capture, wonderful reds, V.
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