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Phil Orgeron | all galleries >> Galleries >> High Dynamic Range Images HDR > Oak Alley Plantation after sunset
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Oak Alley Plantation after sunset

Another HDR Image with Photoshop enhancement.

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Buz Kiefer18-Jul-2018 22:02
Stunning photography, Phil. Love the colors and light here. Excellent lighting on the lawn in particular. Beautiful sky at dusk. BV
Karin Doeling01-Jun-2013 19:00
Another one with a wonderful balance of the light. V
Guest 20-Oct-2011 08:18
Well framed and excellent post-processing.
Brenda LaFleur03-Feb-2010 04:27
Well, this helped me decide the location of my next road trip! As others have commented, I've never seen it at night. Wonderful Phil.
Kim Randolph05-Mar-2009 10:20
I love that glow! Beautiful!
sschex13-Feb-2009 00:23
Beautiful. I haven't seen it at night before.
Larry Daugherty 11-Feb-2009 02:18
I have never seen it at night! Beautiful image!!!
Guest 11-Feb-2009 01:14
Beautiful nighttime shot !!!
Wei O'Connell10-Feb-2009 06:33
Great shot of this beautiful plantation! v