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Nora van Beek | all galleries >> Galleries >> PAD (Almost) 2009 > DSC_0067.jpg
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me, hiding behind the camera...

Nikon D40x
1/8s f/5.6 at 55.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jay Levin03-Mar-2017 05:06
I see you use the highest quality equipment, Nora! :). V
clickA SF28-Nov-2016 18:27
Lovely sp, Nora. Vote
fotabug04-Sep-2016 07:20
Guest 23-Oct-2010 14:11
hi nice to meet you !
Rick Bricker14-May-2009 00:14
I C U.....imaginative shot....and nice to meet you!
Jeff Real25-Apr-2009 18:44
Fantastic sp. I love the look ~V~
dane17-Feb-2009 23:12
well thought out and executed...V
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