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Markus Grompe | all galleries >> Life Forms >> lobstermacros > dual eyed
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dual eyed

isn't he cute?
3rd place in the 297th Show & Tell competition:"Macro and Close-Up"

Canon EOS 20D
1/200s f/9.0 at 100.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Stephanie31-Jul-2018 13:50
Gorgeous macro work! Congrats on your win! V
carol j. phipps31-Jul-2018 03:54
Yes, superb macro! Such a fascinatinV
laine30-Jul-2018 21:30
A superb macro...excellent composition.
Jasja van Leeuwen29-Oct-2013 11:02
A spectacular creature and capture!
Jeff B.22-Oct-2013 17:39
Very cool pic. Disturbing, but cool. V
cits_4_pets05-Apr-2009 02:22
Him's ugly! (at least in my opinion). Great capture of him & his gross eyes, with the wet eye lashes...ugh, oh shutter! His horny zits don't look soft to pet, but probably pretty he'd be good eating! The sharp focus showing fine details really shows off his features, just plain crab UGGGGGLY!.... Send him to Stephen King! V for the ugliest capture I have seen! Hate to know what he smelled like! LOL
peterschmidt30-Jan-2009 21:19
here's lookin' at you kid...