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Reflections by Ruth | all galleries >> Bucks County Scenic Photography through the Seasons >> Winter Snow in Bucks County >> Bucks County Winter 2009 > Snowy Walking Bridge to NJ
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Snowy Walking Bridge to NJ


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Vincent Belford29-Jan-2009 11:44
Bulls Island Bridge looking very cold - a different view
Raymond27-Jan-2009 15:44
Beautiful POV Ruth... I knew you wouldn't pass up on a bridge photo... I think I now know why bridges are so important to you... ! I guess bridges represent a link between your imagination and your creativity... and your skills in presenting them. Always wonderful my friend.
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)27-Jan-2009 01:27
Super set of lines intermingling with the crisp snows. V!
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad26-Jan-2009 14:59
Some great diagonals and an interesting perspective of the bridge. It is definitely winter where you are, lol.
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