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Wenche Aune | all galleries >> Old photos >> 2008 >> Faces > Lovise
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Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/50s f/4.0 at 93.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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dane05-Jan-2009 23:52
absolutely riveting... V
jlm05-Jan-2009 19:16
Excellent portrait !
Roy Birger Nilsen05-Jan-2009 18:57
Flott portrett med fint blikk og et tankefullt uttrykk.Kjempefint!:-)
Paco López05-Jan-2009 17:00
Excellent!!!! V!
Aud Elise Sjøsæther05-Jan-2009 16:15
Nydelig portrett av Lovise! Fantastisk uttrykk! BV
Fong Lam05-Jan-2009 15:26
Excellent portrait work, love the capture of the child's expression!! V
Guenter Eh05-Jan-2009 14:59
These eyes are loooking straight into your soul - brilliant portrait Wenche!
patou05-Jan-2009 13:17
Un portrait tres pensit et doux ( v )
Vince05-Jan-2009 12:29
Excellent capture of the expression. Vote.
Gilles Navet05-Jan-2009 11:33
Un beau portrait, le regard est hypnotique