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John Rendle | all galleries >> Galleries >> Panoramic Stitches, New Zealand > Sunset for 2008, Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand
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Sunset for 2008, Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand

Nearly the first of the last sunsets for 2008. All point east between us and the dateline would have been earlier but we weren't far behind. At least we were ahead of Australia. When I first saw this evolving I was a bit disgruntled I had not got off my petite backside and found a different vantage spot. I was about to draw the curtains to dispell the agony but then I thought I might as well at least go out on the balcony and get yet another shot from there.

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lou_rozensteins02-Jan-2009 00:04
And a beautiful result! Well done.
Mary Bowles01-Jan-2009 18:17
Thanks for the great shot, John. It is a "beaut" !
I hope you, and your petite backside have a great 2009.