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Ian York | all galleries >> Galleries of Ian York >> PaD - My Life >> PaD 2008 >> December 08 > Outside Smoker
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30th december 2008 Copyright © Ian York 2008

Outside Smoker


For the ::December Alphabet:: Challenge - Letter O

It was zero degrees when I took this,
and whist I was inside a lovely hostelry sipping hot mulled cider next to a roaring fire,
this guy was one of the smokers braving the cold outside at the tables
Now that's dedication for you

1/20s f/4.0 at 82.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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carol j. phipps01-Jan-2009 16:16
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography31-Dec-2008 13:34
very nice,old-fashioned shot
cits_4_pets31-Dec-2008 05:45
Great image love how you framed the smoker and the sign! Great job!
Robin Reid31-Dec-2008 01:51
Nicotine is so addicting. Excellent shot Ian.
J. Scott Coile31-Dec-2008 01:35
Glad I don't have to make that choice. Burrrrrrrr.
Ken Duckert31-Dec-2008 00:30
Great story, great image.
Nicki Thurgar30-Dec-2008 21:23
He does look a little pee'd off....!
Kathryn30-Dec-2008 19:54
I've never smoked, but I am beginning to feel some
sympathy towards the 'smokers' these days ...
Faye White30-Dec-2008 19:05
very nicely framed!
Dan Chusid30-Dec-2008 18:31
New Years resolution #1...
...give up smoking!