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william mahan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nature / Flora > DSC_2315.jpg
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Nikon D300
1/400s f/7.1 at 270.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
an nguyen07-Mar-2010 13:39
This is a really nice photo.
waterfalls man03-Mar-2010 03:19
Very Nice Shot V !!
s_barbour28-Dec-2008 22:21
Looks much like the day we are having too!
Peter Sussex28-Dec-2008 21:52
Very nice atmosphere of spitting.
Faye White28-Dec-2008 16:44
this seems to be the pattern lately... hopefully the sun will make an appearance soon.

nice catch of the ripples
Harald Elmquist28-Dec-2008 16:36
Sorry - I wasn´t locked in! I´m the guest!
Guest 28-Dec-2008 16:35
Very good. Continue!
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