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Dave Hein | all galleries >> woodworking >> office suite > 13 office suite complete
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17-NOV-2008 © DK Hein 2008

13 office suite complete

As it sits and serves me today. Twin computer monitors + LCD TV in the corner.

Thanks for looking in!

Nikon D300
1s f/7.1 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Linda & Pär Johansson18-Dec-2012 08:57
Brilliant handicrafts! V
Laura Sebastianelli08-Dec-2009 14:22
Wow! (again) Love the lighter face on the drawers too.
Dan Chusid07-Nov-2009 19:14
That would look great here.
: )
A/CWyman19-Aug-2009 06:45
Beautiful work.
Guest 11-Jan-2009 17:26
It looks awesome Dave...
Lee G09-Jan-2009 23:27
Excellent job, Dave! I really like the suspended pc shelf. Nice carpet as well.
Guest 06-Jan-2009 15:19
it's beautiful, I love to make some mess.
Guest 29-Dec-2008 09:03
Great job Dave! I am sure it will serve you right! V