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John Buffin | all galleries >> Faces >> Random Portraits > IMG_8383p.jpg
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Canon EOS 20D
1/160s f/2.8 at 60.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 26-Nov-2008 01:00
Lovely portrait. Lighting, skin tones and sharpness are just perfect.
Guest 24-Nov-2008 15:07
Perfect, John. It does not get any better. BV
tammie24-Nov-2008 05:19
Such a great shot. I bet the parents were really happy with all of them.
jude24-Nov-2008 00:54
really very excellent, John... Such clarity and perfection!
What lens, dare I ask? ;)
Jim Larkin23-Nov-2008 20:17
After looking at the rest, this is my favorite of all of them. I would buy this and probably buy it big. her expression is absolutely perfect. This is my favorite kind of kid shot. This is my "half smile". I love it. I wish there was a little empty space to one side....m aybe the left. With that said, this is still perfection. At least in my opinion it is.
Jim Larkin23-Nov-2008 20:09
pkocinski23-Nov-2008 17:29
This is great!
Mike Stobbs23-Nov-2008 13:40
Yes excellent......
Guest 23-Nov-2008 06:43
Excellent !
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